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Gut-liver organ-on-a-chip combined with in silico modeling as a promising tool for investigation of mycophenolate mofetil pharmocokinetics
24th North American ISSX meeting
Filed under: ADME, Drug absorption, Drug bioavailability, and Drug metabolism
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Milano et al
Microphysiological systems (MPS) consisting of multiple linked Organ-on-a-Chip (OoC) components are promising tools for ADME applications with the potential to capture the interplay of different tissues and provide more relevant in vitro to in vivo translation of drug efficacy and toxicity.
The Gut-Liver OoC used Caco2 cells in co-culture with HT-29 cells to allow investigation of intestinal permeability and first pass-metabolism, whereas the hepatic compartment contained seeded hepatocytes. Prodrug mycofenolate mofetil was selected for initial quantitative evaluation of the Gut-Liver OoC due to its complex metabolism in both gut and liver.