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Application of Microfluidic 3D Liver Chip Models To Genotoxicity Testing
Filed under: Genotoxicity and Safety toxicology
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This webinar details the current challenges in the field of integrating microphysiological systems with classic genetic toxicology.
It explores advancements made in the Genetic Toxicology Department-Charles River Montreal to successfully tackle these endeavors.
Watch this webinar to learn:
- Issues of current pre-clinical in vitro drug metabolism and genotoxicity tools and their low predictive power
- Obstacles to integrating novel microphysiological systems with classic genetic toxicology
- Recent advancements to successfully overcome these challenges
Current in vitro pre-clinical genetic toxicology tools used to determine drug metabolism and genotoxicity consist of a metabolic activation system (induced rat S9 mix) and single cells.
The low concordance between rat and human metabolism is a potential cause for the low predictive power of rat models for human liver toxicity in clinical trials.
View our Q&A document from the live event.
Speaker Information:
Dr Renato Cardoso
Scientific Director of Genetic Toxicology
Charles River Laboratories (Montreal – Canada)